
With Peter Loizos 
-Professor Peter Loizos, Professor of Anthropology Dept., LSE;
-Research Associate, Development Study, Oxford;
-Director/Producer at BBC Channel 2

Time: 23th July, 2011
11:00-12:00 Squid Daddy's Delivery Room (Screening)
12:00-12:30 Peter Loizos's After Theatre Talk

12:30-14:00 Light Buffet
Place:  University Arts of London 
             (272 High Holborn, WC1V 7EY) (5 mins walk from Holborn Underground)

About Peter Loizos
Educated:  Cambridge, Harvard, and LSE.

1969-2003 Department of Anthropology, London School of Economics & Political Science. Lecturer,Senior Lecturer, Reader, Professor.
Research Associate, Development Studies Institute, LSE.
Research Associate, Refugee Studies Center, Department of Development [QEH] Oxford
Teaching at SOAS [School of Oriental &African Studies, University of London] and the University of Nicosia.

Books/writings relevant to video training:

Pratt, B and Loizos P 1992 .Choosing Research Methods:Data Collection for Development Workers.   Oxfam Development Guidelines. [over 3000 citations]

1993 Innovation in Ethnographic Film: from innovation to self consciousness. Manchester & Chicago.

‘Video, Film and Photography as Research Documents’ in Bauer, M.W. and Gaskell, G  2000 Qualitative Research with text, image and sound: a practical handbook.  London, New York: SAGE.

Academic Films of record.

Life Chances: four families in a Cypriot Village. [the village of Argaki, pre-1974, and the nature of social mobility] [director, camera, research]

Sophia’s People: Eventful Lives [ a  Cypriot refugee family’s  struggle for self-sufficiency] [director, research, editor]

Reflections in a Peacock Crown: the Dandari Ceremony of the Raj Gonds [Andra Pradhesh, for BBC]  [ritual and social satire in a C.Indian village] I was director. The anthropologist was Dr. M. York, the cinematographer was Roger Deakins]

Returning Home: the revival of a Bosnian Village [ with Dr.  Tone Bringa] [Muslim refugees returning to rebuilt homes in Bosnia, under the Dayton Agreement.].[I was the main cameraman,  and technical advisor]